Friday, 13 November 2009


I feel that i should give a brief introduction to this blog and the purpose it serves. It is a short case study in to a company within the digital games industry that has battled through all the fickle field has to offer. Sega Enterprises.
My reason for doing so primarily being that Sega has had a big part to play in fueling a passion for digital games in my youth that has surived to this very day, as i'm sure has been the case for a lot of folk out there, of my generation and beyond. The Master System was the console that introduced me to a company that I still know the bare minimum about, although this will change over the course of this blog.
The case study itself will be focused over a period of time, from the companies humble beginnings, to January 2001 and the decision to become a dedicated 3rd-party software developer. I will look at the history of the company, including it's success' and failures, as well as it's impact, both socially and culturally.

I invite you to join me...

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